• 死者人格利益的民法保护——以死者的名誉保护为中心

    作者: 黎桦

    出版社: 世界图书出版公司

    出版时间: 2012-10-15

    ¥ 46.00

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作者简介: 黎桦,武汉大学法学博士后。现为湖北经济学院地方法制研究中心主任。学术兼职:湖北省行为法学会副会长,湖北省法学会环境资源法学会理事,湖北省法学会商法学会理事,湖北省法学会财税法学会理事。研究方向集中在经济行政法、民商法学领域。主持国家级课题1项;省部级科研及教研课题7项。参与国家级、省部级科研课题7项。主编、参编著作3部,先后在《中国社会科学文摘》、《法学评论》、《武汉大学学报(哲社版)》等刊物上发表学术论文32篇,其中2篇获省部级奖励。





也许不必太在意制度上的规定以及给这种制度所标上的名称,更重要的是其背后的理念和民事法律发展的趋势。原因在于:理念支撑着整个民法的大厦;发展趋势代表着我们需要努力的方向。保护死者人格利益反映了民法保护的重心向人的回归,是民法对人更为全面、由生到死、由肉体到内心的关怀。这些与第二次世界大战之后人权运动的发展和近年来“死亡学(Thanatology)”的兴起是分不开的。尽管人格权在近些年来有很大的扩展,但是关于死者人格利益的保护在学理上和法律实践上还存在一些盲点,如坟墓中的权利(Sepulchral Rights)等。这些都需要我们在未来民法学领域予以继续思考。


A case began in Tianjin in 1987 concerns the controversy over fringement upon the citizen′s right to reputation: Chen Xiuqin brought an action against Wei Xilin and Jinwan News for encroachment (simply we call Hehuanv′s controversy over invasion of citizen′s right to reputation). We can say that it is the beginning of protection to reputation of  the dead person. The main point in the dispute is the legislative authority on protection of the right of fame. Because Hehuanv had been dead. The controversy had been abatement of action by agreement reached through mediation since it went to count in July in 1987 and came to agreement in 1990, and it reached a authoritive conclusion on this core issue only by judicial suggestion from the Supreme People′s Court of the PRC in 1989. From then on, there are many cases emerged pertain to the file an action on fame of dead person. The author collected ten more cases about it. In view of this, Supreme People′s Court of the PRC released  a series of judicical interpretations on protection of fame of the dead person. It′s form and the concrete connotation is different. Therefore, the issue on protection of reputation to  the dead person is continuous.
There are many disputes pertain to the theory on how to protect the reputation of  the dead person. These distinctive theories, not with standing, didn′t agree mostly that we should protect the fame of  the dead person. There are still continuous debate on how to give an announcement from the civil jural system and the theory of civil law. Hence, I think we should make every endeavour to consult all kinds of theories and check the development tendency of civil law and the theory of civil law. It is necessary for us to list the more flexible, more wellconceived theory of civil law.
My academic thesis demonstrated the protection of reputation of the dead person according to the clue—from practice to theory and  return theory to practice, also, from the perspective of macro abstract to micro legal system. First of all, I epitomize the fame and the right of fame, and point out the characteristic of social and the right of reputation in a broad. I try to bound the framework of fames and rights of reputation. It laid a prerequisite foundation for farther poof.
00死者人格利益的民法保护Abstract00Secondly, the book tries to analysize the Chinese law and practice cases about protective fame of the dead person. It makes positively research for immediating law system on protective fame of the dead person. We can retrieve the sue from the subject, get the judgment of jury from the case, and hear the rebound of social by analysizing the virtual law, the events of accusation and the judgments by jurisdiction, only by this we can reveal the station of protective reputation of the dead person.
The contention to protect reputation of the dead person is the new topic for discussion even in the foreign countries in the perspective of the comparative jurisprudence. It was listed to argue through legal practice and theory by AngloAmerican law system only originated in late 1980s, and even in the eyes of Continental law system in 1970s. There are distinctive dissertations on this new topic based on their own legal system overally. Therefore, the legal academic inference on the protective reputation of the dead person in our country comparatively is in accordance to the argument of the world.
There are eight points on behalf of the whole academic issues in today′s China, which concentrate on the problem of protective form of  the dead person. Whether the personal benefit of  the dead person be protected or not, and is it the benefit of  the dead person or interest of the near relatives of the dead person, or both of them being protected. In addition, the interest of  the dead personality should be protected independently or not and so on. In the perspective of civil basic theory, we can debar firstly “wording of protective right of the dead person”, “wording of heirship of personal interest”, “wording of trace of body” and “wording of the family interest of  the dead person”. Hence, there only left out “wording on protecting right of near relative”, “wording on associated interests of immediate family”, “wording of legal interest of  the dead person” and “wording of protract protection of the dead person”.
Considering about the internal legal relations and deepen theory, we find there being two ways of saying, “wording of protective rights of nextofkin”, “wording of protract protection on rights”. There are typical parlances on the current arguments of protective rights of  the dead person.
“Wording of protective rights of near relative” says that it only can protect indirectly the personal interest by protecting the interest of the immediate family or the personal dignity of the proximity, but on the most circumstance, it is unfair for the dead person. It is also unedequate and it may not be lead to protect person alone equally. It is also sufficient to nonprotection independently for interests of the dead person, which says by “wording of protective right of new relatives”, because it can be faced with the wording of the normalfameprotection, but it is not equal to say that the normal right of fame is not necessary for us to protect!
 The reason I agree with the theory of “wording of protract protection right to the dead person” is that the parlance can explain the relative civil law system more flexible wellconceived. The wording lists the deepen concern on the birth, the elder, the sicker and the death for person. It is the current spirit of our civil law.
All of this can be stranded up for philosophical jurisprudence. As to the wording, we should admit unanimous that there are doubledamage when invading a citizen′s right to reputation and we should distinguish explicitly the right from the legal interest, we don′t want to compliment it instead of throwing over the basic view of wording. That is to say “wording of protract protection right to the dead person” can be persisted.
Originally, the key bemish of the wording is that the protracted protective right to the dead person do not demonstrate the reason the personal interests can be extended, it is the fate problem for the acceptance of the wording. In fact, the protract personal right originated from its reasonal approach to protect independently, it is necessary for us to list its reason by ethnology, social jurisprudence and philosophical survivorship.
Maybe it will be an utopian theory if the theory only have good idea, but the system can not be practicable and enforced. Also it may be little meaning because law tend to focus on practicing. Usually the procedure of designing a system is to proof the theory according to the perspective of practice.
Although the invasion of  the dead personal reputation is special, its structure belongs to act of encroachment reputation. Therefore, it includes three ways of designing the law system on how to protect  the dead person′s fame, such as the protective scope to the dead personal interest, the protective body to dead personal interest, and limitation of protract protection. According to the explanation to some rules of the Supreme People′s Court of the PRC on spiritual tortuous damages, the extent is proper, we should establish a law system for personal interest of protected person conciding with the protected body of dead personal interest, we should also design a limitation to protect the interest of the dead person instead of endless of its protection, it is adequate if the limitation is beyond the 18 years.
In contrast to the rules and the name of the designed system, we should place emphasis on the tendency of civil law and the civil idea behind it because the building of civil law is supported by the idea, and what we tries to do is to follow the tendency of future, it reflects on the emphasis of civil law protection to protect personal interest to the dead person, which show loving care for person is related to the movement of personal rights after the Second World War. Also it pertain to Thanatology evoked currently, the right of person has been developing recently. Nevertheless, there is some unknown knowledge of law, not only in theory, but also law practice such as Sepulchral Right, etc. The continuous research and debate on this title is helpful and essential.

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